Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Doctor's Report: Anger Management

Okay so I'll get it off my chest right now. I'm angry. And no this post won't be about the talent Anger Management, it's going to be about me.

I've been playing Warrior full-time since (roughly) 4.2, and I've been playing DPS full-time since 5.3, and this is the first change I've had to deal with that has actually infuriated me

Click to zoom!

So yea, Colossus Smash is going to peace out and stick to Arms. Now some of you may be wondering why this has made me mad, and I'll be happy to explain because it's probably angering me in a way you wouldn't think of. I'm not mad because it's gone, I'm mad because nothing is replacing it.

Fury has always had this concept of being a Berserker that lets his Rage out in bursts, annihilating a target's defenses and then giving him both barrels while he's vulnerable, except in Warlords, that idea is gone in favour of "Oh you're just furious, just keep hitting him with whatever you have handy". Even ignoring the actual concept of the class, Colossus Smash was the only serious mechanic the spec had in it's rotation, obviously it has Enrage and Raging Blow to track, but Colossus Smash was the mechanic that kept you on your toes, always thinking about your RB charges, your Enrage, your BT cooldown, your Rage levels, your cooldowns, your trinkets. It was the core spec mechanic, and now it's gone.

I really hope that Blizzard realises that the "bandaids" that they were going to apply in small changes are not going to help this class ascend to it's former glory. Now, if you want a spec that rewards correct play and correct use of it's complexity, you're forced to play Gladiator, which means you lose out on Rallying Cry and situational use of Defensive Stance, making you and your raid worse off as a result.

Right now, what the class definitely needs is an overhaul, a complete redesign from the ground up, and I think I'll be one in a very long line of people willing to fly/walk/drive to Irvine to help Blizzard redesign one of the most iconic classes of any RPG universe every created.

For the time being, looks like Gladiator is the only way forward, and I don't want to be this harsh, but I'm sincerely hoping they don't fuck that up as well. 

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