Tuesday 22 October 2013

Life on Alliance Side... And Other Things.

I seem to have neglected my blog a bit. That said, been playing a myriad of other games recently (as I've not been raiding) and so haven't had much to talk about on the WoW front. So I'll summarise a few things that, in my opinion, the game needs to change pretty damn quick.

First off: Racials.

I knew that the Human Racial was overpowered in PvP, due to the fact it allows you to run with 2 DPS trinkets but OH MY GOD is it stupid. My first battleground as a Human and it was Strand of the Ancients. Without touching the Demos I matched my damage done that I normally did on Hordeside. The next BG was also Strand of the Ancients, where I actually hit the Demos. I did nearly 10 MILLION more damage done than what I'd do on Hordeside, simply due to my ridiculous burst with double trinket procs up.

As an idea, instead of removing the Human Racial, just make it available to -all- races, and remove the PvP "Get-out-of-shit" trinket. That way:
A) You're not forced into playing Human for competitive Alliance-Side PvP.
B) Every non-human race stops complaining about it being overpowered.

Secondly: The State of Class Balance.

Now I know that there's never going to be a balance, Class A will always beat Class B. Class C isn't even viable any more and Class D is going to be FoTM after the buffs. This is the same for PvE as it is for PvP. This expansion, there has never been a point where a Warlock in your Raid was a bad thing. There's never been a point where a Priests were bad in Arena. Blizzard tries to balance Utility, Mobility, and Damage. For some classes, you can not trade damage for Mobility. For example, I would quite happily trade the Double Time talent for Warriors for a built-in Bull Rush glyph (+35 Rage to charge).

Obviously a lot of my expertise on a Warrior is through PvE. I'm not claiming to be the next Mystic or anything in PvP. But I know when something is broken, and when something is fine. And it really pains me when my class gets nerfed, simply because people can't handle the damage it can put out when -every- possible buff I could have happens to be up. That "stars align" moment gets my class gutted, and it's completely unfair. Or when something like the whole "Second Wind is OP" argument came up originally.

Lastly: Gearing Your Character

Zellviren has wrote numerous blog posts about the downfall of the 5-Man dungeon, and how it's completely lost it's place this expansion. My pet peeve is a different aspect of the game. As fun as it is, Flex really shot itself in the foot. To quote a friend of mine:

"Write about how much of a pisstake it is that Blizzard adds a scaling boss difficulty for SoO, yet the gear doesn't reflect that at all. I can get my BiS gear from the first 5 bosses and only a trinket from Garrosh, yet the first bosses are complete and utter piss compared to the second half of the raid."
 That sums it up quite perfectly, I'd say. He, as a warlock, can get -all- the gear he needs from the first 5 bosses. On Normal mode. Why does he even need to do any of the Flex Quarters that aren't Downfall (P4)? Loot tables, and where loot is for every class, could have definitely been distributed a tonne better. Admittedly better than Throne of Thunder (BiS Caster Dagger is a -random- drop from bosses), but still feels like they completely ignored where loot should be.

I'll try to gather some more thoughts, perhaps PvP a bit more to get a grasp on where things are on that front, but I should be posting a bit more often now.

Thanks for reading!


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